PHILIPPINES  Emigration Clearance Certificate (ECC) SERVICE

We process:
1. 9G Working Visa
2. 13A / TRV Spousal Visa- married to a Filipino citizen
3. Downgrading of Visa
4. Tourist Visa Extension
5. Alien Employment Permit (AEP) / Special Working Permit (SWP)
6. Inclusion of dependent Spouse and unmarried child
7. Emigration Clearance Certificate (ECC)
8. Cancellation of Alien Employment Permit
9. Cancellation of CEZA Working Visa (CWV)
10. Cancellation of 9G Working Visa (9G)
11. AEP card replacement (loss AEP)
12. Quota Visa
13. Overstay
14. Lifting of Blacklist(BL) and Hold Departure Order (HDO)
15. Order To Leave (OTL) & other Immigration related concern!
For faster inquiries feel free to contact us:
 WeChat : BGC998  WhatsApp :+63-912-0912-222 Telegram : @BGC998   EMAIL:998VISA@GMAIL.COM

菲律宾华人移民 MAKATI实体注册公司,移民局授权 菲律宾国家旅游部授权 菲律宾退休署授权 菲律宾外交部授权 菲律宾司法部授权 信誉有保证 主营移民局各种业务  公司注册 财税,税务局服务  第三国入籍等 .
移民局全部业务:9A旅游签证 入境保关 机场捞人 出入境记录补录 特赦签证 13A结婚签证 TRV 9F 学生签证 9G工签办理,黑名单查询/清除 退休移民 投资移民 ASRV 工签降签 AEP办理 ACR I-CARD 更新 年检 补办 菲律宾遣返otl业务 菲律宾签证续签 逾期罚款处理 退休移民 投资移民 菲律宾各种签证查询 ECC清关 旅游签证延期 原有长期签证更换国籍 落地签证疑难杂症 SRRV更新 SRRV取消 MCL21特赦交通部LTO:汽车年检 车牌 OR/CR补办 和 汽车过户 驾驶证 驾驶证新办 驾驶证更新 中国驾照换菲律宾驾驶证 CDE考试包过 等房产局:房产入户/过户 房产贷款 房产抵押/解除抵押 地基税 等外交部DFA:菲律宾护照 菲律宾文件认证 菲律宾海外领馆文件认证等税务局BIR:企业所得税 企业审计 个人所得税 发票印制 税卡TIN 等市政府CH:建筑许可 卫生许可 营业许可 装修许可 消防许可 地基税 等工贸部SEC/DTI:公司注册 公司变更 等劳工部DOL:AEP 员工登记 员工开除登记 海外员工登记 AEP取消 等统计局PSA:菲律宾结婚登记 菲律宾出生登记 菲律宾死亡登记 菲律宾离婚登记 等第三国签证:菲律宾泰国签证 马来西亚办理泰国签证 马来西亚学生签证 马来西亚办菲律宾入境签证中国大使馆:护照申请 护照补发 护照更新 文件认证 赴华签证办理 在华签证延期 在华工作签证第三国籍:多米尼克 圣基茨 圣卢西亚 安提瓜和巴布 瓦如阿图 墨西哥 格林纳达 土耳其 瓦努阿图绿卡第三国籍配套:护照激活 税务登记 驾驶证 无犯罪证明 电话卡 银行开户 激活护照 地址证明 护照/挂失/损坏更新 等 (以上国家的都有)其他服务:NBI证明 FDA食药检局注册 IPO商标注册 商标专利转让/注册 BOQ防疫局证明 BOC海关清关 中国驾驶证更新 菲律宾在职证明 菲律宾银行贷款 菲律宾银行开户 国际驾驶证IDD 等华人移民: 微信 BGC998 电报 @BGC998 WHAT'S APP+63 9120912222


1. Who should apply for an Emigration Clearance Certificate?ECC has two (2) types, ECC –A (also referred to as regular ECC and ECC-B.The following foreign nationals must secure an ECC-A prior to their departure:

  1. Holders of Temporary Visitor Visa (also referred to as tourist visa) who have stayed in the Philippines for six (6) months or more;
  2. Holders of expired or downgraded Immigrant or Non-Immigrant Visas;
  3. Holders of valid Immigrant or Non-Immigrant Visas but are leaving for good;
  4. Philippine-born foreign nationals who will depart from the Philippines for the first time;
  5. Holders of Temporary Visitor Visa with Orders to Leave;
  6. Bona fide seafarers who have stayed in the Philippines for 30 days or more and has a duly approved discharge from BI.

ECC-B is issued to departing holders of Immigrant and Non-Immigrant visas with valid ACR I-Cards and are leaving the country temporarily. 2. When should I apply for an ECC?

  1. A foreign national may apply for an ECC at least 72 hours prior to his/her departure from the Philippines.

3. Does the ECC have validity? Will I be able to use this multiple times?

  1. The ECC is valid for one (1) month from the date of issue, however, you may only use this once regardless of its validity.
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