客人准备好国内驾驶证的公正认证后和我们联系办理中国驾驶证换菲律宾驾驶证业务,一个早上就可以办完,如果英文不好可以处理费用相对贵点,欢迎咨询我们了解更多,微信BGC998  电报小飞机 @BGC998  电话/VIBER/WHAT'S APP+63-912-0912-222  优先咨询电报 WHAT'S APP 免验证直接咨询,添加请主动告知咨询事宜 谢谢。


Rationalize the land transportation services andfacilities and to effectively implement the varicustransportation laws, rules and regulations. It is theresponsibility of those involved in the public serviceto be more vigilant in their part in the over-alldevelopment scheme of the national leadership.Hence, promotion of safety and comfort in land travelis a continuing commitment of the LTO


A frontline government agency showcasing fast andefficient public service for a progressive landtransport sector


The Land Transportation Office (LTO), a secter-agency of the Department of Transportation (DOTr)by virtue of Executive Order (E.O) No. 125 and 125Adated 13 April 1987 and E.O No. 226 dated 25 July1987, is tasked to register motor vehicles, issuedriver's/conductor's licenses and permits, enforceregulations andtransportation laws, rules andadjudicate apprehension cases

最近交通局会让你读这个证明你会英文~ 有需要的可以读读 去了就不怕了 哈

有时候让你读认证书  有时候让你读这个 那个 甚至报纸 也是醉了

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